Shipping Calculation

Edit Courier Package

My Eshop » Courier Package » Edit Courier Package

Worldwide Shipping Calculation
Client only need to input the shipping weight of an item, such shipping weight will then be applied to one (or more) of the built-in shipping rate models, such as Airmail, DHL, FedEx, UPS, SpeedPost, etc. and calculate the most accurate international shipping fee.

How to enable/disable a Courier Package?
  1. Extend "My Eshop" 1 on left-frame;

  2. Click on "Courier Package » Edit Courier Package" 2, you will then have all built-in courier packages showing up on the right content-frame;

  3. Just check these boxes out under that column - "Apply Package" 4 to enable/disable any courier packages from your eshop.

How to preview/edit the preset courier-rates of a zone?

  1. Firstly, pick a target "Courier Package" from the dropdown list - "Current Editing" at 3 or 5.

  2. Click on "view" 8 from "COURIER ZONE » Zone Rate" to open pop-up window - "Courier-Zone Rates" 9. If "edit" is available, such rates will be editable in that panel 10.

  3. By referring to the "Zone Name" 12 and "Country & Region" 8, you can check out the link status and availability of a courier-package to countries or regions.

How to customize my own exchange rate?

  1. By default, the value of an "Ex.Rate" 13 will be set to 1, in most cases, our preset courier-rates are in HKD, and such exchange rate needs to be adjusted if the default currency of your eshop is not in HKD.

  2. Furthermore, the preset courier-rates can be pushed up by defining a higher exchange rate 13.

Diagram: 1

How to enable/disable deliverable countries or regions?

My Eshop » My Preference » Deliverable Country / Region

  1. Extend "My Eshop" 1 on left-frame;

  2. Click to select "My Preference » Deliverable Country/Region" 2;

  3. Please refer to badge 3 in the screencap, just check those boxes to enable or disable dispatchable countries or regions.

  4. Do remember to click on that "save" button 4 to confirm.

Diagram: 2