Manage News Item(s)

How to add, delete, move, hide, or change the order sequence of a news item?

You can create as many news items as you want, if you do have over a hundred of items in a same menu, this might affects the performance. In such case, you had better organize/separate them by different sub-menu items.

How to add a news item?
  1. Extend "Manage News" 1 on left-frame;

  2. right-click on any target menu 4 or click on that navigation icon 12 to open right-click pull-out menu 5;

  3. click on "add news" in 5 for adding news items to a menu;

  4. "ADD NEWS" dialog will then be opened;

  5. click "save" to confirm action.

How to delete a news item?

In 13, just click on that "delete news" icon for a deletion.

How to move the news items from one to another?

In 13, check the box next to the button "select all", and then select a move-to target from that drop-down menu 14.

How to change the order sequence of a news Item?

In 13, change the "Display Order" number, then click on any blank area to save the changes.

How do I hide a news item?

In 13, just change the option "visibility" from "visible" to "hidden".

Diagram: 1

How to edit text content of a news item?

Double-click on Topic 17, Brief 18, Content 20, or HTML Area21 to open HTML Editor to start with.
Diagram: 2

How to insert an image to "Topic-Image" or "Content-Image" area of a news item? or remove? or replace? or adding alternative-text? or find out its location in the "Media Library"?

How to insert an image to "Topic-Image" or "Content-Image" area of a news item?

Each news item contains two image drop-targets reveals in bright-blue color, the upper one is reserved for the "Topic-Image", and the lower one is for adding the "Content-Image":
  1. Get to the target news item;

  2. explore the image file in "Media Library" 22;

  3. if the image is already exists, you can directly drag it from the "Media Library" and drop it to the "Topic-Image" 23 or "Content-Image" 24 area.

    See also "Drag & Drop Capability".

    If not, you should have it being uploaded to the "Media Library" first:
    See also "Multiple File Uploader"

How to remove a "Topic-Image" or "Content-Image" from a news item?

Right-click on any target image 24 to open the right-click pull-out 28, then select - "Remove Image".

How to replace a "Topic-Image" or "Content-Image" ?

Right-click on any target image 24 to open the right-click pull-out 28, then select - "Upload & Replace Image".

How to input an alternative-text for the "Topic-Image" or "Content-Image" ?

Double-click on "ALT for Topic-Image" 16 or "ALT for Content-Image" 19, input the alternative-text, then click on any blank area to confirm the changes.

How to find out its location in the "Media Library"?

Right-click on any target image 24 to open the right-click pull-out 28, then select - "Open Media Library".

Diagram: 3

How to manage the linkage of "Topic-Image" or "Content-Image"? or adding responsive YouTube videos?

You will have the following options in 13 - Topic/Content - URL / YouTube Embed URL:
  1. Deactivate
    No click action(default).

  2. http:// or https://
    Pick this option, then input an internal/external link into the text-field right below it.

    Example: adding an internal link:
    P.S. The website address can be omitted from the URL.

    1) /inf/25252/open-eshop/feature-highlights
    2) /cat/22552/computer/keyboard

  3. Link to this page
    An internal link for driving a click to this page will be added to the image.

  4. lightbox: Open topic/content-image
    The JQ lightbox component will be applied to the image, and the lightbox effect will be used for popping up a large image.

  5. Open topic/content-URL Download URL (PDF, DOC, XLS etc...)
    We suppose the URL is pointing to a download document, you can pick this option to fire a download when people clicking on the image.

  6. YouTube Embed URL (16:9) / (4:3)
    Pick this option, then input the YouTube embed URL into the text-field right below it, just omit all HTML tags and only grab the URL, such as < iframe ... /iframe >.

    You only need to input the URL, e.g. -

How to styling a news items?

  1. Specify a friendly anchor name for a "#hash" navigating to the fragment identifier within a HTML document:
    Refer to the "Anchor" icon in 13, just input a friendly name to replace the default "newsid".

  2. Apply image style:
    Pick an option from the dropdown - "Image Style" in 13.

  3. Apply CSS type:
    Pick an option from the dropdown - "CSS Type" in 13.

  4. Responsive Image:
    Uncheck the box - "Responsive Image" in 13 to disable responsive image effect, the size of image will then be adjustable thru the "Function Menu".

  5. No Divider:
    Check the box in 13, the bottom margin and horizontal line will be ignored.

  6. Border-Width and Border-Color:
    The border of a news item will be applied if the "Border-Width" selection is greater than "0px".